CAIR-Chicago and AAAN Finalize Citizenship Delay Project Strategy

Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator, met with representatives of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) Director Hatem Abudayyeh, Suzanne Adely, and Menna Khalil to finalize political, outreach, and media strategies for the Citizenship Delay Project. The Citizenship Delay Project is set to launch within the next few weeks. The project will incorporate a class action complaint against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the unreasonable delays in granting citizenship to law abiding Muslims. The project will also seek political reform to place a cap on the amount of time allotted to conduct the background checks necessary for acquiring citizenship, and will seek to prohibit discrimination based on religion in applying for citizenship. CAIR-Chicago and AAAN are still conducting outreach to include as many Muslims as possible in the class action complaint, in addition to filing individual complaints for Muslims that do not necessarily fit the class but are still waiting for citizenship status due to a pending background check. Individuals who have passed the citizenship examination and have been waiting for over 120 days must contact us at either or as soon as possible.

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