CAIR-Chicago Participates in IMAN's "Takin' it to the Streets"

CAIR-Chicago participated in this year's Takin' it to the Streets on June 24th, 2007. Takin' it to the Streets is a daylong community festival held every other summer in Marquette Park on Chicago's Southwest Side. The annual festival has increasingly united thousands of people from the greater Chicagoland area in the South Side for a day of service, learning, festivities, musical performances, sports tournaments, and carnivals. This year, it featured talks by key American Muslim leaders in addition to booths for non-profit organizations and vendors.

CAIR-Chicago's staff, board members and volunteers were available at the CAIR-Chicago booth to answer the questions of community members. CAIR-Chicago also discussed the services its staff and volunteers provide to the community.

CAIR-Chicago would like to congratulate the Inner-city Muslim Action Network (IMAN) on another successful event!

Copyright 2007