DePaul Class Visits CAIR-Chicago

See Photo Album Below A group of 23 first year DePaul students visited CAIR-Chicago’s downtown office this past Monday to learn about the organization’s services for immigrant communities. This visit was a part of DePaul’s course, “Discover Chicago: Immigrant Youth in Chicago.”

Sufyan Sohel, the deputy director; and Amina Sharif, the communications coordinator led the presentation, and talked to students about CAIR-Chicago’s mission and non-profit services. Students were given a tour of every department and were introduced to CAIR-Chicago’s staff members.

Kevin Vodak, the litigation director, discussed some of the cases CAIR-Chicago is currently working on and various civil issues facing Muslim immigrants.

This was the second time the course’s professor, Lauren Heidbrink, brought her students to CAIR-Chicago. Heidbrink expressed appreciation for the “very informative and dynamic presentation,” and said that “[t]he students were very interested in the efforts of CAIR.”

The students “were intelligent and mature and asked pertinent questions,” said Sharif.

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