Ahmed Rehab Speaks at MAS-ICNA Convention


On December 24th and 25th, Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director, presented at the MAS-ICNA 2011 Annual Convention.  Rehab discussed the civil rights challenges facing Muslims, and he led a youth lecture on activism.

He encouraged the audience to take Muslim civil rights issues seriously and explained how the lack of proper education about Islam caters greater hate-mongering and Islamophobia.

“We have to make sure that the reality of America meets up with the promise of America,” said Rehab.

He explained how social justice is a central tenet of Islam, and how it is “American” to stand up for oneself.

“The recipe [for activism] is faith, action, allegiance to the truth, patience, and discipline,” said Rehab.

The MAS-ICNA convention is held annually in Chicago.  This three day convention brings in prominent Muslim leaders from across the United States and the world.  Over 7,000 attendees gathered at Chicago’s Sheraton Hotel.