CAIR-Chicago joins Amnesty International at rally for Syria

CAIR-Chicago’s Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson and six interns attended an Amnesty International rally and press conference on June 14 in the Federal Plaza. Amnesty International was protesting against the Syrian government abuses currently happening in Syria to civilians. Protestors were urging the United Nations Security Council to take action against the human rights violations in Syria by referring the situation to the International Criminal Court.

Citizen demonstrations urging the Syrian government towards reform began in 2011. These soon turned into mass protests when the government began using force and brutal tactics to silence the demonstrators. Since then, approximately 10,000 civilians have been killed in Syria.

At the Chicago rally, protesters held up signs that read, “Stop the bloodshed in Syria,” and chanted “We demand justice for the people in Syria!”

There were three speakers who discussed in detail the atrocities occurring in Syria. One speaker also read poetry by a person living in Syria who described the terror of the abuse taking place there.

After the conclusion of the speeches, many protesters signed a petition demanding the U.N. Security Council to take action against the violence in Syria and take substantial steps toward protecting Syrians.