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Chicago Tribune: Moderate Voices

Congratulations to Michael Tackett, the Tribune's associate managing editor in Washington, on his wonderful piece "Melting ice with Westerners" (News, May 10). As a Muslim-American activist who spends most of his waking hours "melting ice" with fellow Westerners, I am very appreciative of an article that brings forth the moderate and refreshing views of credible mainstream leaders from the Muslim world. I have grown tired of hearing my religion in the media attributed solely to nutcases such as Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. More often than not, I find that media venues are all too keen to echo opinions and statements of extremist Muslims of the lunatic fringe, while overlooking the moderate and far-reaching voices of mainstream Muslim leaders. Tackett's fair and insightful reporting has broken through the very ice we can only hope to melt.

I hope that the Tribune continues to lead the way in presenting Americans with an accurate representation of the reality of Islam and Muslims in order that we continue to melt ice together.

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