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IRIM to Become "RefugeeOne" at Annual Banquet Friday

Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Ministries (IRIM) will announce its change of name to RefugeeOne at its Fifth Annual Benefit to be held Friday, May 7th in Chicago, Illinois. RefugeeOne is the largest resettlement agency in the city of Chicago and has been resettling refugees sent by the U.S. State Department since 1982. The agency provides housing, food, clothing, and transportation as well as agency programs that help them become employed and self-sufficient. RefugeeOne programs include English Language and computer training, cultural orientation, and job placement services. Special programs are also provided to youth, women, and seniors to ensure healthy integration and adjustment of the entire family to their new country and culture.

“RefugeeOne welcomes those who were dispossessed and displaced under life-threatening circumstances home to Chicago,” said Ahmed Rehab, RefugeeOne Vice-Chairman. “It’s a multi-faith, diverse organization that seeks to put our common values into action: respect and dignity for all human beings, and service to those most in need of our help.”

“We settled 440 refugees in fiscal year 2010,” said Greg Wangerin, Executive Director. “Like their predecessors, newly arrived refugees bring a determination to succeed with them that provides new energy and ideas for the region's economy, cultural life and community institutions.”

The Fifth Annual Benefit – Many Voices, One Vision – will be held at the Chicago Cultural Center from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday, May 7th. The evening will be hosted by Jerome McDonnell of Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview and will include a cocktail reception, international cuisine, ethnic music and dance, and a silent auction and raffle. The evening’s formal program will highlight the “voices” of four refugees, who will share their experiences and stories as a refugee and of resettlement.

Reservations for the benefit may be purchased for $125 through the website or may be reserved by calling Christopher Crowley at .

The new website will be launched before the start of the event.