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CAIR-Chicago's "Taste of Ramadan" Returns for the Third Year


What: “Taste of Ramadan Dinner” Iftar

When: Thursday, August 11, 7:30pm

Where: 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 1700

The staff and board of CAIR-Chicago would like to invite you to our third annual “Taste of Ramadan”, which involves a cook-off and Iftar, at our centrally located downtown office.

‘Iftar’ is an Arabic term that refers to the evening meal that breaks the daylight fast that Muslims observe during Ramadan. The meal is often organized as a community so that Muslims can celebrate the breaking of their fast together.

Each meal will be prepared by a CAIR-Chicago member of staff for your enjoyment. Everyone attending will then vote on which meal they deem the best.

The sun is due to set on Thursday, August 11 at approximately 7.54pm, which is when the Iftar will commence.

Everyone is welcome to come to enjoy the diverse range of food from all over the world and the abundant, good-spirited company at this important time of year. All of this without having to spend a cent.

Please RSVP by calling 312-212-1520 or emailing Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson at