Civil Rights Center, Features, Uncategorized MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Uncategorized MyJihad MyJihad

Civil Disobedience at the Secure Communities Hearing

On Wednesday, August 17th 2011, CAIR-Chicago staff attorney, Rabya Khan, and communications intern, Becky Fogel, attended a public hearing held by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to discuss the Secure Communities program. The event ended in civil disobedience led by local youth and the arrest of six attendees.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad

Some Dreams Come True: Illinois DREAM Act and Smart Enforcement Act Passed in Illinois Senate and House

The passing of the Illinois DREAM Act not only shows that Illinois is an immigrant friendly state, but also that the political power of immigrants in this country is growing stronger. The state of Illinois holds the honor of being the first state in the nation to opt out of the “Secure Communities” program and is the first state in the nation to actually implement a version of the DREAM Act.

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Our News, Uncategorized MyJihad MyJihad Our News, Uncategorized MyJihad MyJihad

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director and Communications Coordinator Speak at Press Conference

At the press conference, the speakers echoed President Obama’s assertion that Osama Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, and in fact was a mass-murderer of Muslims. CAIR-Chicago’s Communication Coordinator, Amina Sharif, stated “Bin Laden never represented Islam and was never seen as a Muslim leader, but unfortunately many people’s understanding of Islam was distorted by the actions of Bin Laden.”

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Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad

ICIRR Presents Mayoral Candidates Forum

The Illinois Coalition on Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) is hosting a mayoral candidates forum at the UIC Forum as Chicago prepares for its upcoming election. The candidates may answer questions issues affecting Chicago's communities including immigration, education and affordable housing.

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Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad

Congressmen, ICIRR, CAIR-Chicago Rally for Immigration Reform and the DREAM Act

ICIRR representatives, including board member and CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, took the stage alongside Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Congressman Danny Davis, and State Treasurer and Senate Candidate Alexi Giannoulias to rally support for comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Bias Suit Filed Against Ill. State Police for Sheikh Kifah Mustapha

CAIR-Chicago filed a discrimination complaint in federal court today against the Illinois State Police (ISP) on behalf of Kifah Mustapha, a leading Muslim religious leader (Imam) based in Chicago. The ISP had previously hired Imam Kifah as the first and only Muslim chaplain for its workforce after the completion of a thorough background check. Shortly after news of Imam Kifah’s hiring, the ISP revoked its decision citing a dubious Internet report attacking Imam Kifah. The report was written and distributed by Steven Emerson, an anti-Muslim blogger notorious for fighting against American Muslim civic participation.

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ABC 7: Group challenges Muslim chaplain's dismissal from force

"It's disappointing that things should come to this, that the Illinois State Police has succumbed to the defamatory rantings of bigoted individuals who, while in the name of protecting American values, do nothing more than undermine and degrade the very principles this country was founded upon," said Abraham.

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ABC 7: Group challenges Muslim chaplain's dismissal from force

"It's disappointing that things should come to this, that the Illinois State Police has succumbed to the defamatory rantings of bigoted individuals who, while in the name of protecting American values, do nothing more than undermine and degrade the very principles this country was founded upon," said Abraham.

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