FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia

CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.

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FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia

CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.

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