CAIR-Chicago Files Four More Citizenship Delay Complaints in Federal Court

CAIR-Chicago has recently filed federal complaints in the cases of four Muslim men whose bids for citizenship have faced long delays and complications. One man, living in the United States since 2005, applied for citizenship in 2008 and passed the test in February of this year. Another had been in the country since 1990, applied in March 2007, and passed his citizenship test in November 2008. A third came to the United States in 1995, then applied for citizenship in 2004 and passed the test in 2005. The fourth was made to take the citizenship test and interview twice, in April 2006 and October 2008. He passed both tests, but had been waiting for a decision since then.

After the citizenship interview and exam, the USCIS has 120 days to decide on whether to grant citizenship to an applicant. If the USCIS fails to come to a decision, the applicant can ask a Federal District Court to hear his or her case and make a decision instead.

CAIR-Chicago has filed dozens of citizenship delay complaints, and has assisted many applicants in obtaining citizenship.

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