ACTION ALERT: Thank Congressman Quigley for Condemning Islamophobia

Please take a moment to thank Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL, 5th)for standing up against Islamophobia. His bold voice calling a spade a spade is welcome given that there are some in this country who are attempting to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that Islamophobia does not exist despite the alarming rise in organized anti-Muslim campaigns that have attempted to discouage Mosque building, Muslim political appointments, and other basic constitutional rights for Muslims, through demonization, intimidation, and fearmongering. Congressman Quigley understands that many of the Islamophobes purport to act in the name of America, and furthermore, that some of those expressing Islamophobic vile are elected to a Congress that officially represents America. When he apologizes on behalf of America, he is expressing his sympathy against bigotry, wishing to absolve America from such instances of bigotry, not implicate it as the far right media has attempted to claim. Please take a moment to thank congressman Quigley for his patriotic stance against Islamophobia:

• Call: 202-225-4061

• Send an email HERE

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