ACTION ALERT: Ask Congressmen to vote NO on DeSantis Amendment #115



Today, September 7th, 2017, congress will be voting on the DeSantis Amendment (115-31) to make it illegal to give funds to Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW).

Please call your US Representative (which you can find at ) and tell them to publicly oppose Rep. DeSantis's Amendment #115​ for the State & Foreign Operations Appropriations in H.R. 3354, and ask them to ​C​all upon their fellow Members of Congress to vote against the DeSantis Amendment #115. IRW has been subject to over 500 audits, none of which found any evidence to support DeSantis’s allegations.

Moreover: - Islamic Relief (IR) has no restrictions or designations by the US government - IR-USA is presently responding to Hurricane Harvey in Houston and surrounding areas. - Islamic Relief Wordwide is a valued partner of numerous governments and United Nations bodies globally, and exists as a humanitarian organization dedicated to the alleviation of poverty and suffering internationally - IRW works closely with other faith-based and secular organizations, such as Catholic Relief Services, World Vision, and the Red Cross to save lives and reduce conflict. - Much of IRW’s work is financed by charitable donations from individuals (including Zakat). To date, IRW has been awarded $704,662 worth of funding from US federal sources for its work in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Central African Republic - IR-USA is a member of the United States Governments’ Combined Federal Campaign (CFC#:10154). This means the US Executive branch directly enables government employees to make charitable donations to IR-USA, indicating it has met a broad array of requirements and regulations.

Amendment 115-13 can threaten all of the important, necessary, and needed work that IRW provides across the United States and the world. Call your representatives NOW and ask them to take a stand against this amendment - (202) 224-3121

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