The Illinois legislature will hear testimony on the professional licenses bill that CAIR-Chicago is advocating for in two separate committees this week, Senate number SB3109 and House number HB5482.


The bill, considered at the same time in the House and Senate, will help provide equal access to professional licenses in Illinois. The bill states that no one will be denied a teacher, lawyer, doctor, nurse, or social worker license (or various other professional licenses) solely because of his or her citizenship or immigration status. It also allows doctor, nurse, and social worker applicants (among others) to provide an IRS-issued tax number in place of a social security number on the application. I have attached a fact sheet and list of supporters for you to review at your leisure.


You can support this bill by submitting a witness slip in both the House and Senate committees.


HB 5482 will be heard in the House Health Care Licenses Committee on Tuesday, April 10th at 10 am. You may file a witness slip here:


SB 3109 will be heard in the Senate Licensed Activities and Pensions Committee on Wednesday, April 11th at 2 pm. You may file a witness slip here:


Even if you filed a witness slip for this bill in the past, please file witness slips in each committee this week to ensure your support is noted in the record.


Witness slip instructions:

1)      IDENTIFICATION – Fill in your name and contact information

2)      REPRESENTATION – Fill in ‘Self’ or the name of the organization that you represent.

3)      POSITION – Check the box next to PROPONENT

4)      TESTIMONY – Check the box next to RECORD OF APPEARANCE ONLY

5)      Check the box agreeing to the ILGA terms of agreement and click the ‘create slip’ box


Click Here for More Info on the Bill >>