Ask Comcast to Add Bridges TV to Lineup

Last week, World Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali launched Bridges TV, the first 24-hour English Language American-Muslim Television Channel, in Chicagoland on WOW! Cable. So far, Comcast Cable, Chicagoland?s top cable provider, is not offering Bridges TV for a perceived lack of public support for this type of programming. ACTION REQUESTED:

Please contact Comcast and request that they add Bridges TV, the American-Muslim Lifestyle TV Network, to their channel lineup. Please ask ALL your friends and neighbors (Muslims and non-Muslims) in Chicagoland who believe in building bridges of friendship and understanding to call and email:

Comcast: Tel: 1-888-comcast

This is the most important call you can make toward building a better understanding between Islam and America. You can also order Bridges TV, the American Muslim TV channel on WOW! Cable by calling 866-496-9669 or visit

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