CAIR-Chicago Conducts Nightly Phone Banking Sessions in Bridgeview

Volunteers and activists in the Mosque Foundation community have been gathering at the Universal School for nightly phone banking sessions to American Muslim registered voters in the third congressional district. Both newly registered voters as well as old voters are receiving phone calls from volunteers, reminding them about Election Day, which is on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. Voters are also asked to make commitments to go to their local polling places and cast their ballots and help make a Muslim presence at the polls. From a database of thousands of names, volunteers are working diligently to contact each registered voter in the area before Election Day.

The effort, being led by Community Organizer Haady Taslim, is a part of a larger campaign called the New Americans Democracy Project that CAIR-Chicago is co-hosting in conjunction with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR). Other political mobilization activities in the area include: door-knocking, poll watching on Election Day, and literature distribution for voters.

CAIR-Chicago has also produced a Vote Education Guide to help voters understand their choices for elected officials and candidates and are available for distribution. For more information on the guide, contact

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