CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Presents at Loyola University on Charity in Islam

CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Sultan Muhammad spoke to students at Loyola University about the culture of charity in the Muslim faith on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at the Bremner Lounge.

In observation of Hunger Awareness Week, Loyola University and the Muslim Student Association (MSA) of Loyola University explored the significance of helping the poor and underprivileged from the Islamic perspective.

Sukaina Hussain, event organizer and MSA representative stated, “Muslim and non-Muslim university students fasted in solidarity for those who are hungry.” Muhammad stated, “I believe that it is a very positive undertaking to bring people together of different religions and different ways of life for programs that foster greater understanding.”

In his presentation Muhammad explained, “Charity is seen as a source of cultivation for the individual as well as the just society. Care for the poor and underprivileged is a core value strongly rooted in the faiths principles’ of social justice, distribution of wealth, and individual accountability.”

“It has been stated in Islamic Tradition that a person does not have true faith, if they sleep comfortably on a full stomach while his neighbor suffers from hunger.” said Muhammad.

Please contact Sultan Muhammad at for more information.

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