Staff Attorney Kevin Vodak Settles Restaurant Discrimination Case

CAIR-Chicago staff attorney Kevin Vodak recently reached a settlement on behalf of a Muslim client who was denied public accommodations at a restaurant in 2007. The incident occurred after the client waited in line to be served. Because it was a cold day, his family waited outside in the car to stay warm, planning to join the man once he obtained service. As the family then entered, several customers shouted derogatory remarks regarding the family’s religion and national origin. Restaurant personnel refused to serve the family, claiming they violated company policy by not all waiting in line together at the entrance door. Police were called to escort the family from the building.

Discrimination at a place of public accommodations, such as a restaurant or business, is prohibited under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The client filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights. CAIR-Chicago represented the client throughout the process.