He protected his fellow officers, then they attacked him for being Muslim

Ramtin Sabet was a hard-working and dedicated police officer. He would defend his fellow officers, risking his life to ensure their safety when under fire, and driving them to the hospital when they were injured. But, after they found out he was Muslim, they harassed him, calling him a terrorist who worked for ISIS. He was fired shortly thereafter.

He came to CAIR-Chicago in desperation And since then we have been fighting diligently for Mr. Sabet --but we can't continue if we have to close our doors.

Stories like Sabet's are happening every day, where Muslim employees are being discriminated against for being Muslim. CAIR-Chicago is one of the only civil rights organizations that fights discrimination with premiere legal expertise, established public relations, and a legacy of legislative advocacy. We hold bigots accountable, but we can't do it without your help.

This Ramadan, we cannot be at the Masajid where we typically raise 55% of our annual budget. We count on you at home if we are to survive this year. We need to raise $300,000. We simply cannot go on without your support. Help #keepgoingcairchi and help our doors stay open! Please Donate your Zakat/Sadaqa today!