Know Your Rights Panel - Combating Hate Crimes: Resources and Support for Communities Under Attack

In light of the ongoing challenges faced by communities, we invite you to a special virtual panel discussion titled “Know Your Rights: Combating Hate Crimes.” This crucial event will focus on providing resources and support for communities under attack, offering insights into pathways to justice in Illinois.

Date and Time:

Date: December 5th, 2023

Time: 6:00 PM (Central Time)

Virtual Platform:

This event will be conducted virtually, to ensure accessibility for all. Please join us using the following Zoom Link: Register here


Secure your spot by registering in advance using this link: Register Here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the webinar.

Your participation is vital in fostering awareness, understanding, and solidarity within our community. We hope to see you there, standing together against hate and working towards a safer and more inclusive future.