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Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif Speaks at Rally for Palestine

Feature 299This past Friday members of CAIR-Chicago attended a mass protest against Israel’s attacks on Gaza. Nearly 7,000 protesters participated in the rally which began with a press conference at Daley Plaza, followed by a march, and ended in front of the Israeli Consulate of Chicago. CAIR-Chicago co-sponsored the event along with over thirty other local organizations. Protesters held signs and repeated chants decrying Israel’s actions in Gaza and American support for the occupation of Palestine. Leaders from various participating organizations spoke including CAIR-Chicago’s communications coordinator, Amina Sharif.

Sharif told attendees to use the energy catalyzed by the protest and channel it into other modes of action to help Palestine. “The work does not stop after this rally. There is still so much more to be done.”

Sharif referenced the CAIR-Chicago action alert "10 Steps You Can Take to Help Palestine" which includes details on how to contact elected officials and media and what talking points to share with them:

“Contact your local media and demand balanced news coverage...Write or call President Bush, President Elect Obama, and members of Congress …and tell them that American taxpayer dollars should not be used on weapons that kill innocent civilians,” said Sharif.

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