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CAIR-Chicago says farewell to Communications Coordinator Reem Rahman

Feature 355CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator, Reem Rahman, is graduating CAIR-Chicago; her last day with the organization is today, Friday, August 21st. Reem will be moving for a year to England where she will be pursuing a masters in Management Research at Oxford Univeristy. Reem first joined CAIR-Chicago as a communications intern while a student at the University of Illinois. She was later offered a full time position as Communications Coordinator which she has served for more than two years.

"We are sorry to see Reem leave us, but at the same time we fully support her pursuit of higher education in this most important of fields and at this most prestigious of universities; this will further empower her to serve our community and indeed humanity with efficiency and effectiveness," said Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director.

"Reem's commitment to any cause she takes up is second to none. Throughout her entire tenure with us, she has served CAIR-Chicago and our constituents with undying passion and resolve. She has worked tirelessly to revolutionize the important processes, standards, and procedures that have made us stronger as an organization. I believe that Reem represents a marvelous role model for young women everywhere as someone who is self-driven, imaginative, and immensely disciplined. She is someone who works to their full potential every minute of every day. I am not surprised that she is destined for one of the world's top institutions; she deserves nothing less."

"I have marveled at how Reem has worked during her last few days with the same excellence, consistency and care as someone who was going to stay in the position for the next ten years. To me, this was the strongest indication of her approach to her work as a sacred cause, not a mere job - that even in her professional capacity, she understands that she answers to God first."

CAIR-Chicago's family of board, staff, and interns bid Reem farewell and wish her the very best in her future pursuits.

"I am certain of one thing," Rehab added, "Whatever Reem does or wherever she goes after earning her degree, she will continue to be a tremendous asset to the Muslim community, indeed she will work for the betterment of the world, God willing."

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