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NBC 5: "MyJihad" Ads Land on CTA Buses

Chicago's buses have become a battleground for a controversial ad campaign. A conservative group, American Freedom Defense Initiative, last month placed ads on buses that likened Muslims to savages. They included fake testimonials by extremists, including Osama bin Laden.

In response, the Council on American Islamic Relations countered with their own campaign, "MyJihad," which define Jihad as life's daily struggles, not incidents of terror or holy war.

"Day to day jihad that we do so much has never been shown before and no wonder, the only side that's shown is the violence, which is not even in essence real jihad," said Naperville mother Angie Emara, who is featured on one of the advertisements.

CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, said he hopes to spread the campaign to New York, DC, San Francisco, Houston and Seattle