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Staff Attorney Rabya Khan speaks at interfaith event honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

CAIR-Chicago's Staff Attorney, Rabya Khan, was a featured speaker at the "Remember our Civil Rights and Civil Liberties" interfaith event this past Monday, January 21st to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The event was sponsored by the Muslim American Society and the Mosque Foundation. The event was hosted in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Dr. King's legacy of protecting civil rights, at the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview. This was the first year the event was held at a mosque. Interfaith leaders, students and activists shared their reflections on the legacy of Dr. King and how it relates to civil rights work today.

CAIR-Chicago, the Muslim American Society, and the Mosque Foundation are significantly linked with the work of Dr. King, due to their missions of defending and promoting Americans' civil liberties. The event itself encapsulated his legacy and the continued civil rights struggles that many organizations, activists, and community leaders are a part of -- urging community action, civic engagement, service, reform, and common understanding of others.

For photos of the event, please visit the Muslim American Society Outreach Facebook page!