Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif Speaks at Loyola University

loyola_campusCAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif presented at a Media and Communications class at Loyola University last week to speak to students about biased news reporting on Muslim issues. Sharif engaged the class in a discussion on misperceptions of Islam and how extreme images of Muslims in pop culture and mainstream media often feed into ignorance and intolerance. Together, the students, many of whom aspire to become journalists, analyzed a Fox News piece on Muslim women in America and identified numerous examples of unfounded claims, one-sided reporting, and misleading information. Sharif explained the idea of “journalistic fallacies”, or fallacious reporting practices, and listed several ways in which biased reporters can manipulate information to feed into negative stereotypes.

Student feedback was extremely positive. Many said the discussion was insightful and will help them engage media more critically in the future.