Golden Door Coalition holds meeting at CAIR-Chicago’s Gallery

On Tuesday, December 6, 2011, CAIR-Chicago was honored to host the Golden Door Coalition in the CAIR-Chicago Gallery.  Through the joint effort of its many member organizations, Golden Door  seeks to promote safety, shelter and new life for those refugees seeking to call Illinois home.  CAIR-Chicago applauds their effort, and welcomes the opportunity to provide a comfortable space for them to use. Since the opening of its Gallery in August, CAIR-Chicago has hosted many organizations and groups including the Illinois Coalition for Immigration and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), the Immigration Defense Alliance (IDA), and the Muslim Women’s Alliance (MWA) and is fortunate to have screened renowned documentaries such as Fordson: Faith, Fasting and Football. Serving not only as a space for organizations to utilize, the Gallery brings together organizations and communities furthering understanding and shared knowledge throughout the city.
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