CAIR-Chicago's TAP Coordinators 2017 Chicagoans of the Year


 Earlier today, Chicago Magazine recognized CAIR-Chicago’s TAP Coordinators and the hundreds of attorneys who assisted at O’Hare with the 2017 Chicagoans of the Year Award. CAIR-Chicago’s Deputy Director, Sufyan Sohel, and TAP Coordinators, Iman Boundaoui, Matt Pryor, and Jamie Friedland accepted the award.  

During Iman's riveting speech about democracy and community empowerment, she warned that the battle against the Muslim ban rages on and that we must continue to fight back in a sustainable long term manner, both legally, and through services (hence our Traveler’s Assistance Program - TAP).

Read the article here.

Minutes ago, news broke out that the Supreme Court had allowed Trump’s bans to go into full effect while litigation continues. Please continue to prepare in advance by following instructions on our TAP website as to travel eligibility and to use the TAP forms for at risk travelers.